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Online Application Form

Associations Excellence Award™

To apply simply complete the 10 areas of Association Excellence provide examples and upload and supporting documentation as evidence and then submit your application. The application will be assessed by a panel of experienced Association professionals against the criteria.  Finalists will be notified before the Award ceremony on the evening of September 14th at the Amora Hotel Richmond Victoria.  

Your Information

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
What is their position in the organisation?

Your Nominees

Organisation Name
Email Address
Contact Number
ZIP code

Award Category Questions

To ensure a smooth completion of the application form, please make sure to answer all 10 questions before submitting. You can navigate between questions by using the "Next" and "Previous" buttons. It is important to review and provide responses for all questions before proceeding.


Associations that wish to achieve business excellence need to get governance right in the first place. However, even though compliance is a critical part of good governance, a board with diverse skills working harmoniously to develop policy and strategy are an excellent example of business excellence. In describing governance excellence in your association, give examples and outcomes. Remember, you cannot save your application and return to it. Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, have any supporting documents ready to upload.  
Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer.  

  • What induction policies and process do you have in place for board members?
  • How effective are your board meetings – are they outcomes driven?
  • How have you implemented a succession planning strategy in your association?
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Strategic Planning

A strategic plan is essential for all associations not only for the board but as a tool to communicate the direction of the organisation to staff, members, community, and stakeholders.  A strategic plan used by an association should be a working document with the strategies reviewed on a regular basis. Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, have any supporting documents ready to upload.  
Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer.

  • Have you reviewed your vision and mission statements in the last three years?
  • Do you refer to your strategic plan in all your Board meetings?
  • How have you introduced KPIs for your association or how do you measure organisational performance?
  • How have you created your goals and strategies looking ahead for at least the next 12 months?
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Associations need strong leadership to ensure their organisation can adapt to changing environments and  membership needs. Strong leaders are able to share the  vision or purpose of the organisation,  are effective communicators, able to adapt to changing environments and show empathy and integrity. 
Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload.  
Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer.

  • How do you define leadership in your association, give examples and outcomes ?
  • What professional development opportunities have you introduced to your organisation over the last 36 months?
  • How do you measure leadership give some examples how leadership has made a difference to your Association.
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Management Systems

Associations not only must be changing to meet the needs and expectations of their members/stakeholders – they must have robust documented systems and processes in place to ensure they are able to deliver their services in the most efficient manner. Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload.  Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer.

  • How have you developed a culture of continuous improvement in your association? Describe the outcomes
  • How are your processes and systems documented - are all systems end focused on ensuring the quality of service to members, clients or stakeholders?
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Successful associations are managed by professional staff or volunteers who have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and are supported by strong leadership.  Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload.  Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer. 

  • What recognition rewards programs do you have to acknowledge outstanding performance and care in your association? Provide evidence.
  • How do you support diversity and equality within your association?
  • Do you provide regular review meetings with your paid employees or those volunteering to work in your organisation. . 
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Volunteers & Committees

Many associations rely on volunteers for certain operational elements of the business where paid staff are either not available or have limited staff numbers to complete the work needed such as events, customer service, committee members.  Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload.  Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer. 

  • Are roles and responsibilities of volunteers and board/committee members clearly communicated to new and existing staff/ volunteers
  • Are you reviewing the policies and procedures when engaging and on-boarding volunteers?
  • What reward and recognition process do you have in place for those who work as volunteers in your association?
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Financial Performance

The financial performance of all not-for-profit organisations should be constantly monitored at all levels of the organisation. The focus on financial sustainability and understanding that the term not-for-profit does not mean associations should refrain from making profit, should encourage associations to invest in the development of their organisation and improve the delivery of services to members. Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload.  Here are some questions you may want to consider when formulating your answer.

  • What financial reports do you use to measure the performance of your association?
  • How do you use financial reports to ensure the Board and staff can make the right financial decisions?
  • Does your organisation regularly review all your products and services to ensure they are generating surplus or are at least break-even?
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Risk Management

Association Leaders are constantly being made aware of the potential risks to their organisation.  Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload here are some questions you may wish to consider. 

  • Do you have policies and procedures that reduce any potential risk to the association? These may include policies for engaging suppliers, social media, IP and media policies.
  • Are these policies understood by all  those working at all levels in your  association?
  • Is there a risk committee formed to assess all potential risks to the association, if not how are risks assessed. ?
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Most associations exist for the purposes of delivering services to their members.  Although  member growth and retention is important  the  focus should be on delivering services to members  or the community they serve.  Overall members are the lifeblood of the association they purchase the products and services your organisation creates, these include, professional and industry recognition, access to new knowledge, advocacy, discounts and savings. Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload here are some questions you may wish to consider. 

  • What processes do you have in place to grow your membership?
  • How do you determine the membership value proposition?
  • How are you onboarding new members?
  • What engagement strategy to you have with all members?
  • How to do you measure the effectiveness of your services to members?
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Information Technology

Over the last 20 years, advancement in information technology has enabled Association leaders to communicate and engage with members with speed and efficiency. Websites and Association Management systems are becoming more cost effective and easier to use.  Consider your answer on a Word document for all the criteria, and when you are ready to submit online, paste and have any supporting documents ready to upload here are some questions you may wish to consider. 

  • What technology are you using to communicate with your members?
  • How do you know your association management platform is working well for your organisation?
  • What policies and procedures do you have in place to prevent cyber-attacks?
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