
yarra & bridge rooms

hawthorn room

9.00 am Welcome Back Message

9.05 am

Keynote Presentation

Is it Time for a Strategic Rationalisation of Associations? The Journey of the Australian Business Events Association  read more... 

Peter King, Chair - Australian Business Events Association

10.00 am

Morning Tea

10.30 am

Revolutionising Association Service Delivery to Members. Transforming your Business Model  read more...

Ben Campbell, CEO - Australian Institute of Training and Development  

Brendan Tohill, CEO - National Lotteries and Newsagents Association 

Strategies For Building a Financial Sustainable Association 

Susan Barbour, Association Auditor & Accountant - Association Executive Services

11.30 am

Navigating the Halls of Power: Effective Advocacy Strategies for Engaging Government Decision Makers 

Speaker to be advised 

Ensuring Relevance: The Future of Associations, Learning Systems and Registered Training Organisations  read more... 

Gabrielle Deschamps, Executive Officer - Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Association 

Robert Lucas, CEO - National Caravan Industry Training College 

12.30 pm


1.30 pm

Empowering Your People: How to introduce a values based reward and recognition program into your association  read more... 

Michael Werle, Past President AITD 
Director - HR Consulting Australia 

Carla Vasconi, COO - Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform 

Growing Your Membership & Engaging with your Community - the latest AI tools that will make a difference  read more... 

Kirri Romero, Digital Strategist - The Online Fix 

2.30 pm

Empowering Excellence: Strategies for effective volunteer management  read more... 

Sara Sterling, Sector Growth & Operations Manager - Volunteering Victoria 

How to Make Your Board Work Properly? Tips for taking great minutes, effective agendas, and running productive board meetings read more...

Anne Thornton, Board Secretariat Support - Association Executive Services   

3.30 pm

Afternoon Tea

4.00 pm

Breaking Through to Excellence - The Next Steps for all Associations   read more...

Geoff Gwilym, CEO - Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC)

5.00 pm

Closing and Wrap Up