Robert Lucas

Robert Lucas is an experienced industry association executive.  With over 26 years’ senior executive experience working within and leading industry associations and business groups. He has a proven track record in turning around poorly performing associations and growing them into sustainable, relevant organisations. He is known for his deep knowledge of contemporary business issues and being a straight shooter in getting things done.

On the first of January 2023 he stepped down as Group Chief Executive of Caravan Industry Victoria after 12 years having totally restructured Caravan industry Victoria. He initiated and led many industry and membership development programs that have left a profound impact on the Caravan Industry in Australia. He was featured in the February Edition of the CEO magazine for his impact on changing and growing the caravan industry in Australia. In May he was recognised by the caravan industry nationally by being awarded the national Caravan Industry’s Chairmans award for his contribution to the growth of the industry in Victoria and Australia.

Currently he has taken up the challenge to lead as the Chief Executive the National Caravan Industry Training College, which is the only dedicated Education and Training RTO provider to the caravan industry in Australia. He is currently employed in a part time capacity and undertaking some freelance business consulting projects in both Associations and private industry.

He has graduate and post graduate tertiary qualifications in Business Administration, Management, HR/IR and Education and Training.