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Membership Onboarding Done Right: Key Governance Actions for Associations and NFPs

Membership Onboarding Done Right: Key Governance Actions for Associations and NFPs

What critical actions are required by all new potential members wishing to join your association, not for profit organisation or charity? We all know it is fantastic when we recruit new members, but there are some key governance actions each association must undertake during the joining process. They are:

Ensure Accessibility to the Constitution or the Association Rules

Before joining, prospective members must have access to and read the association's constitution. This document should be prominently available on the "Join Now" webpage.

Foster Understanding of the Rules and Code of Conduct

Associations exist for the benefit of their members, and new applicants must understand the organisation's rules before proceeding with their application. All members, not just the Board, must comply with the rules. In addition to the constitution, new members should review and agree to any associated codes of conduct.

Require Agreement to Rules and Conduct Standards

As part of the application process, new members must formally acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the association's rules and code of conduct. This ensures they are fully informed of their obligations and enables the Board to address any breaches effectively.

Implement a Clear and Transparent Application Process

If membership applications are submitted online, ensure all applicants know the rules and code of conduct. Include a mandatory checkbox in the application form where applicants confirm they have read and agree to abide by these documents. By taking these steps, you will ensure proper governance, promote compliance, and safeguard the integrity of your association.

How does your association manage the onboarding of new members?

What steps must you take to ensure those organisations applying agree to the rules and member code of ethics?

Our membership consulting team at Association Executive Services includes very experienced senior executives with years of experience managing membership induction, growth and retention and can provide their expertise to assist with all your membership needs.

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