By Nick Koerbin
So, you have been elected or appointed to the Board of your member association or local not-for-profit organisation. Here is a brief
overview of the roles and responsibilities of a Board.
🙋‍♂️ First, It is essential to understand that Boards and management of associations have very different roles, and these must be clearly
defined to ensure that everyone is completing their responsibilities. When the Board and the CEO work effectively, operations run more
smoothly. Blurred lines regarding governance and management roles can cause delays and frustrations, leading to a less successful
organisation and negatively affecting the association's ability to achieve its overarching goals.
🧓 Roles and Responsibilities of the Board
The members of an association’s Board, sometimes also referred to as directors of the Board, are individuals responsible for the overall
governance of an association’s values, mission and strategic objectives.
🧑 Governance is concerned with future planning and direction. The Board take a high-level view and oversees significant decisions on policy
and performance without being too involved in day-to-day operations.
🧝‍♂️ Some of the board's key responsibilities include choosing the association's CEO, making significant decisions about policy and
strategy, overseeing performance, and serving as an external advocate. The Board is supposed to act in the best interests of an
association’s members and stakeholders and work towards the stated mission. It is vital that the Board is informed about all big-picture
matters to have a comprehensive understanding of the association’s progress and direction.
🧝‍♂️ Board members are not employees of an association. They may be unpaid volunteers or receive some remuneration for their work serving
on the Board. However, they are likely to have other interests and roles outside of being a member of an association’s Board; they may have a
full-time position for a company, or they may act as a member on a few different Boards (so long as these do not represent a conflict of
interests). Board meetings typically take place only a few times a year.
Sustainable, diverse revenue streams are vital for economic stability, long-term success, and enhancing value to your members.
Empowering the Association CEO is not just a step but the pivotal first step towards achieving Association Excellence.
For many associations and not-for-profit organisations, annual conferences or events are a highlight of the year. These gatherings provide a platform for members to connect, learn, and share ideas. Volunteers' contributions are often indispensable to ensure these events run smoothly.
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