Board Governance

Board Induction, Training, Board Development, Returning Officer, Secretary or Board Mentoring Services, Policy Review Program

Positive change starts at the top, and that’s why we place such an emphasis on getting aspects of governance right.

We provide some of the leading edge services to Association and Not-For-Profit Boards in particular new Board Presidents who want to
make a difference. .  

Our services can extend from providing a review of your association’s constitution to developing a new constitution, to giving consultations on board management, agenda and minute taking and even dealing with conflict and creating a board code of ethics.

We also provide  ‘Governance for NFP Directors’ and a Board Induction, Constitution Review, Board Coaching, Secretary Roles and More  

Our training covers topics such as:

Governance Induction for Not-for-Profit Directors

This presentation is essential for both existing board members and new directors This is a short presentation (1 hour)and covers the latest information for Association and NFP Boards including how high performing Boards are operating. 

Review of Constitution

The constitution of an association is central to the way in which a board governs. By reviewing the constitution, we can see if any aspects are making the board's job difficult, and suggest improvements that will make it easier.

New Constitution

If your association doesn’t have a constitution, it needs one. Constitutions allow for consistent governance, which is essential in creating an association that your members will have faith in.

Access to NFP legal advice

Running an association is an enormous undertaking, especially when matters of legality are raised. With a legal advisor on hand, you can navigate any issues safely. Our Legal Advisors are experienced NFP legal professionals. 

Workshop: Governance Induction for Not-for-Profit Directors

This workshop is essential for both board members and directors.  Can cover a 1/2 or full day workshop and not only provides general Governance overview but we present recent case studies of Association Boards and area of excellence but potential failures.  

Secretary Roles

The Secretary role on an Association Board can be very time consuming in particular having to ensure the growing levels of compliance required by the regulators. 
We provide professional experienced board secretaries short or long term appointments. Contact us for a discussion as to how we can help you today  

Policy review and DEVELOPMENT 

The role of the Board is primary to develop strategies and Board policies. Have you a Cyber Security Policy,  Privacy Policy, Grievance Policy. We can provide a full audit of your policies and update your Board members with new policies 

We provide skilled professional consultants who can review and develop your governance polices and procedures.

Minute TAKER  

Manage your Board meeting can be exhausting and time consuming for volunteers we provide experienced board minute takers either face to face or virtual. Our experienced association staff can take your minutes either face to face or virtually.  As an added service we provide advice on the latest knowledge on minute taking. Contact us for a discussion on what we can help you with  

 Board Consulting Service; Interim Chair, Returning Officer,Secretary other

Induction Manual for Directors

Directors come and go, and its essential you have an induction manual on hand that you can turn to so there are as few teething problems as possible during the changeover.  Purchase the Association Executives Tool Kit 

Project Management

Creating projects is one thing, fulfilling them is another. Get our expert advisors to assist. It could be any project the Board wants to implement from the changing of the constitution to the development of a new membership structure 


Mergers can be tricky and painful. We’ll make sure everyone is looked after, so the merger can be completed as soon as possible.

Winding Up

Members dropping, no longer sustainable - talk to us about winding up your association

Board Development

Creating a good board culture is imperative in any association. We can provide you with the procedures and policies you need to develop a board culture that will steer your association in the right direction.   

Dealing with Conflict and Board Ethics

If your association can't deal with conflict, or operate ethically, it will fail. You need written regulations to ensure conflict, and ethical matters can be dealt with in a timely and just manner.

Returning Officer and Board Election SERVICES

Need an independent Returning Officer or general assistance with the election of Board members or other persons. Our Returning Officers have vast experience in the managing the election process of Board members. Ask us for a proposal for your next election